As I said, the Lord has done some HUGE things in my life lately. A lot of that has been through the people He has blessed me with in my life. This past week, I had the opportunity to serve with ten other people in Tifton, Ga doing home missions. I know everyone's thinking you did missions in Tifton? Yes, I did! There will definitley be more posts to come about the experiences I had and the ways that I got to see the Lord work. A big part of the way I got to see work was through the people that I got to work with. Never have I ever been with college students who were more on fire for Christ, loving, encouraging, and just plain awesome than these guys. Each person made a huge impact on my life, and they all did it in different ways. I feel like they deserve a shout out, so thats what I am going to do. Each day, I will talk about a different person, what there relationship meant to me, and how I got to see the Lord work through them. I'm just warning you...some good stuff is coming. Get excited friends!
love it.