As I began to think of the things I would write on my paper, so many memories came to mind. I thought of specific instances where I saw the Lord at work, intentional conversations we as a staff had with kids, and new brothers and sisters in Christ I gained. My first thought was of how the Lord was faithful in bringing me to Kids Kamp. I immediately revisited Proverbs 19:21 and how the Lord had used that verse to bring me to this new ministry opportunity. I then thought of so many kids who had hard situations of their lives: kids coming from broken homes, kids dealing with suicide in their family, kids who don't see Jesus on a daily basis. I thought of the opportunities I had to minister in these situations. I got to love kids through these times and give them just a small glimpse of the Savior's love for us. I also thought of the new friendships I got to build with my staff. I loved each and every one of them and I am so thankful to have met people who have such a passion to serve the Lord in all that they do. I know that these are friendships that are just beginning and I can't wait to see where the Lord takes them. My final, and probably my favorite thought, was of the kids who started their relationships with Jesus for the first time this summer. The Gospel was at the forefront of everything we did, and it was awesome to see Him push me out of the way and become the Savior of these kids lives. That is truly what this was all about.
It was such a blessing to reflect on how the Lord was faithful this summer. He wasn't just faithful some of the time, but He was faithful for all 12 weeks I got to spend in Birmingham. Be looking out for future blogs, as I introduce you to some of the kids and staff I got to meet and minister to this summer! For now, enjoy some of my favorite snapshots from the summer!
Holding Open His Door,